Don't let notifications ruin your day

1 min read
Published: 9 Mar 2021 9:30

Throughout the working day, how many notifications do you get? There are emails from colleagues, suppliers and SPAM, notifications on project management tools like Slack, and maybe you have an in-house chat tool like Google Hangouts or Skype? Don’t forget those in-browser notifications, the notifications you may have set up on your CRM or on social media platforms. The possibilities are endless!

The multiple notifications can be distracting, removing focus from a task you’re working on. At times notifications can even add negativity into your day, who hasn’t been irritated from an email they didn’t need to be copied into? Justin Watt recently published a post called Stop Letting Notifications Kill Your Workday, where he tally’s up the numerous notifications received in a day.

In Justin’s post, he outlines some handy and helpful ways to minimise the notifications and the disruption to your day, on an individual and team level. To find out how you can minimise the notifications in your day check out the full article here.
