The wellbeing impacts of working from home: Niki Fuchs in UK News Group
How is working from home impacting employee wellbeing? The national lockdown and remote work restrictions this year have had a profoundly negative impact on the mental and physical wellbeing of the UK workforce. In fact, our recent survey found that 64% of companies do not offer practical guidance to ensure their employee’s home office is compliant with typical office health and safety rules. 29% of people working from home also reported that loneliness was its biggest downside, while 25% reported feelings of anxiety.
In a recent Q&A for UK News Group, OSiT Managing Director Niki Fuchs outlines the impacts of lockdown on employees, and the steps that businesses can take to support worker wellbeing over the months and weeks ahead, from arranging small catch up meetings to introducing mental health first aid training.
Niki also discusses how, with many businesses now considering a long term shift to more flexible and hybrid working models, flexible workspace can play a crucial role in providing the amenities, community and opportunities that people have so sorely missed in lockdown.
You can read the full article here.